How to sleep cool as the weather changes

Thu Mar 18 2021

  • Mattress Education
  • Sleep Education
  • How to sleep cool
  • Mattress Warehouse
How to sleep cool as the weather changes

At the time of writing this blog post, it is mid-March and things are really starting to warm up outside. Gone are the days of winter in which everything was cold, and no one wanted to go outside for fear of becoming even colder. Instead, the spring and summer seasons allow us to enjoy nicer weather and sunlight outside without feeling cold for the most part. This time of year definitely comes with positives and potential negatives, and some of those potential negatives concern your bed and ability to fall asleep.

During the winter, you probably got used to your bed being cool-to-the-touch and not getting too hot while you sleep. Unfortunately, that is not often the case as the weather warms up. After such a long period of cold weather, most people need to remember how to keep themselves cool during the day for naps as well as at night so that they can be comfortable. Here are our best tips on how to sleep cool during the hotter months of the year!

How to sleep cool tips

Keep your curtains closed while it is sunny outside

If you are looking for methods of how to sleep cool before you even get into bed, consider keeping your curtains closed throughout the day. This tip works any day, but we suggest it when it is extremely hot outside. By keeping your curtains closed, you will eliminate any chance that excess heat will enter your sleeping space. If you have tried this to no avail, consider picking up some blackout curtains. These dark curtains excel at keeping sunlight out and keeping your room cool before you go to bed!

Allow air to circulate in your room

One of the most popular methods to keeping a room cool during blazing heat is to use fans or keep your window open. These techniques have been known to work quite well, especially if you have allowed your room to cool off in the hours leading up to bedtime. Ceiling fans work surprisingly well, as do small bedside fans. However, if they are not giving you enough relief, consider putting a bowl of ice water in front of your fan. The air will melt the ice, creating a cool and refreshing breeze that should help you fall asleep. You can also place a fan next to your window to help the outside breeze be pushed towards you while you sleep.

Wear loose clothing to bed

Believe it or not, the clothing that you wear to bed can have a large impact on how you feel during the night. If you wear tight pajamas that are very close to your skin, you will likely sleep way too hot as opposed to someone who wears a baggy shirt and shorts. This is because the tight clothing will trap the heat close to your skin and make you uncomfortable. The material of the clothing that you wear can also have some importance. Cotton is the preferred material for sleep because it is extremely breathable and lightweight. You will feel like you are sleeping on a cloud if you combine cotton garments with cotton sheets!

Have a glass of water near your bed

This is a classic method for how to sleep cool at night. Keep a large glass of ice-cold water next to your bed in the event that you wake up very hot. This is great for emergencies and times where you cannot leave your bed. You can also keep an ice pack on standby in case you need it, as well as a cold compress.

Get a mattress (and pillow) with cooling technology

If none of these methods have worked for you, or if they do not work well enough to keep you cool all night long, you can get a new mattress! At Mattress Warehouse, we carry plenty of mattresses that have built-in cooling technology. We also carry many pillows that keep your head cooler than ever throughout the night.

Mattress materials play a big part in keeping you cool at night. Sometimes if you have a mattress that is completely made from foam, you may sleep hotter. Other materials, such as gel, are specifically designed to keep you cool at night! Our Intellibed collection stands out the most, with gel technology and cooling fabric that will keep you cool all night long. You can learn more about these Intellibed mattresses in our series of blog posts highlighting each of them.

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